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Bodil Eide

Bodil EideI am an artist and art teacher from Norway. I live in Portugal give classes on drawing, art practice and creativity. I work with my husband Paulo, and we create our own courses directed to students, teachers, young artists, or anyone interested in creativity. We are part of an international community of artists who work and study together under the tutoring of the artist duo Rosenclaire; Rose Shakinovsky and Claire Gavronsky, in Italy. I have my art teachers training from them, and have gone through their thorough pedagogical training in teaching beginning drawing, painting and sculpture, as well as creative processes. Paulo and I hold courses and events in classrooms, online and in museums. We are interested in in depth teaching, where people are empowered to comprehend their creative capacities, become aware of the lineage of artists and the rich tradition they belong to, become technically skillful and conscious of the meaningful visual language that art is, and their own contribution to the world through their creativity and choices. 

This is our website: